Curses Abound (Silver Screen Coven Series Book 3) by Dominique Daoust

Curses Abound (Silver Screen Coven Series Book 3) by Dominique Daoust

Author:Dominique Daoust [Daoust, Dominique]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Independent
Published: 2024-03-27T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 22

“Jeepers, I need stronger coffee.” Annabelle yawned as she hopped off the Red Car and approached MGM studios with its imposing buildings and gates.

After getting the scoop from Velma and Mila about a woman in Russell’s life having most likely poisoned him with an unsuspecting sandwich, she had sacrificed her sleep to brainstorm things they needed to observe and questions to ask at the upcoming funeral. Sure, friends and family would be there to grieve, but sometimes people showed up with ulterior motives.

She had allowed herself to sleep for a few hours, but her mind had still been in overdrive, and it only kicked up a notch when she was let through the gates by another security guard the following morning. Using potassium cyanide meant this murder was premeditated, but the fact that the perpetrator made sure to hand over the sandwich when Russell was alone during a night shift indicated a flair for the dramatic. Did this weasel want to avoid a commotion in broad daylight, instead favouring an unsavoury surprise at dawn?

Annabelle ruminated on this as she walked to the publicity department, looking forward to downing more coffee, but was forced to halt in the reception area. Mr. Beauregard was leaning on the far end of the reception desk and was having an animated conversation with a silver-haired woman in a flowy, colourful outfit. She immediately thought this dame was an extra or the zany relative of one of the studios top-billed stars, but why did her boss seem so eager and enthusiastic to chat with her?

“Good morning!” Mr. Beauregard cleared his throat when he noticed his employee arrive, his chipper tone making Annabelle on edge. She felt an ambush approaching. “Annabelle Stonewood, this is Mallory Hewson.”

“How do you do?” Mallory walked up to Annabelle and clasped her hands in hers, shaking them lightly and not letting go. “I’m here to help with the curse.”

“Oh?” Annabelle’s gaze met her boss’s. He wasn’t pulling her leg when he said he wanted to find someone, and he found someone faster than she had anticipated!

“Miss Hewson is a known medium in the Los Angeles area, and she specializes in dispelling curses,” Mr. Beauregard explained as if he were simply talking about what he had for breakfast. Around the studio, he was known for being a no-nonsense man with little patience for anything not based in scientific facts, which made it all the more strange that he was now hiring someone dabbling in Spiritualism to help save the studio’s reputation. “She’ll be helping us solve our little problem.”

“It’s a pleasure meeting you,” Annabelle blurted out, her hands still being held by this woman with the silvery hair but otherwise youthful features. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Ginny gawking at them from her vantage point behind her receptionist desk.

“I’d like you to go around the lot with Miss Hewson, show her everything, and explain what has been going on,” Mr. Beauregard instructed. “You can take all day, if necessary.


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